Voice to Parliament 2023

As a progressive thought-leadership organisation, we work on collaborative projects that build on the legacy of the former South Australian Premier Don Dunstan. As Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and as Premier, Dunstan led significant reforms to improve the lives of First Nations people and to support a fairer and more progressive society.
We welcome the invitation set out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call for constitutional recognition through a Voice. The referendum’s success is not possible without active support from non-Indigenous Australians. The Constitution and the future belong to all of us, and the best policies are made when we listen to those who they affect. We believe the Voice is the next step we need to take as a country to walk together with First Nations people.
The Don Dunstan Foundation has joined with other South Australian civil society organisations to show our support for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition through a Voice to Parliament and we are undertaking a range of other activities in the community to back the Yes campaign and promote a Yes vote.
You can follow us on social media where we’re sharing a series of posts about the reasons why we’re voting Yes or sign up for our e-newsletter for all the latest news and information about the referendum.
SA Organisations for Yes
On Friday 18 August 2023, the Don Dunstan Foundation joined with over 20 other organisations to sign a joint statement to endorse a “Yes” vote in the upcoming referendum. Read more in the news release:
SA Organisations for Yes
DownloadReferendum Guide
This document has been created by the Don Dunstan Foundation’s Flinders University intern, Maruca Ciulacu-Nemteanu, as part of her internship project in Semester 1 2023. Maruca has created Your Guide to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum to capture the many layers and sources of information on the Voice and the Referendum in one consolidated document. Download Your Guide here:
Your Guide to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum
DownloadVolunteer with your local Yes campaign
Local Yes groups are a great way to connect with the campaign in your local area.
Yes groups are running training sessions, phone banks, street stalls, door-knocks & more.
You can get involved by clicking below – just scan the QR code for your local group!
Get involved!