Submissions and papers
The Don Dunstan Foundation seeks to provide advice to policy decision-makers on issues that are important to our work and that impact on vulnerable groups in our community. This is often done by making submissions to public consultations or inquiries run by government or statutory authorities.
Submissions range from broad statements of principle to detailed and technical policy advice.
Criminalising Coercive Control: Submission to the South Australian Government consultation
This submission was prepared to share the Don Dunstan Foundation’s perspectives on the draft Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control) Amendment Bill 2023, which would create a new criminal offence of coercive control.
DownloadA stronger, more diverse and independent community sector: Submission to the Australian Government
This submission was prepared in partnership with Community Centres SA, the peak body for South Australia’s community centres and neighbourhood houses, to share the perspective of this part of the sector in response to the Department of Social Services’ issues paper on improving support for community sector organisations.