Allyson Hewitt
Thinker in Residence 2017 - 2019

As the Vice President, Impact at the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto Canada, Allyson has assisted hundreds of social ventures to become economically sustainable and increase their social impact. She firmly believes it is possible to make money and achieve a positive social/environmental outcome at the same time. She has been privileged to help many people and organisations achieve those dual outcomes.
She is a global leader in the field of social innovation and has developed many programs at MaRS to take this work from theory to action. This includes: Social Innovation Generation (SiG); the Centre for Impact Investing; Solutions Lab; and Studio Y which helped develop leaders for the success in the innovation economy.
Allyson is deeply committed to creating spaces for cross-sectoral collaboration and after many years working with social purpose organisations, academia and government she is currently spending her time engaging corporates in solving our most complex challenges.
Allyson’s work with government included membership on the federal Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy Co-Creation Steering Group which resulted in a significant investment ($805M) of social finance funds into the sector. Most recently, she was the Social Entrepreneur in Residence at the University of Waterloo where she was a lecturer in Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility. She was also a member of the Dean’s Council at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University.
In addition to public speaking, Allyson is also a highly skilled facilitator and moderator, and is often called upon to act as the master of ceremonies, panel facilitator or rapporteur at high profile events.
Allyson's Third and Final Visit | June 2019
Allyson returned to Adelaide for her final visit in 2019, taking part in a number of events, meetings and presentations. Download Allyson’s presentations to the events ‘Dunstan Dialogue: The MaRS Model’ and ‘In Conversation With Thinkers in Residence: Allyson Hewitt and Ilse Treurnicht’ below.
In Conversation with Thinkers in Residence Allyson Hewitt and Ilse Treurnicht | PowerPoint
DownloadIn Conversation with Thinkers in Residence Allyson Hewitt and Ilse Treurnicht | Video
Dunstan Dialogue: The MaRS Model | Allyson's PowerPoint
DownloadAllyson's First Visit | May 2017
Doing good, better: creating opportunities for South Australia
During her first visit to Adelaide, Allyson engaged with a wide range of people in 70 events.
The Infographic summarises Allyson’s contacts and activities and she summed up the work she had done with local partners in her Preliminary Report.
Other resources relating to Allyson’s residency are listed below.
Infographic | An Overview of Allyson's Visit
DownloadPreliminary Report
DownloadSocial Capital Video Series
Allyson Hewitt Oration | 17 May 2017
Social Capital Showcase | May 2017
The Don Dunstan Foundation and IPAA presented a Social Capital Showcase on 2 May 2017, with Allyson Hewitt and a range of local speakers giving presentations on the social economy.
Allyson Hewitt | Initial Discussion with Key Partners
DownloadGail Fairlamb | Share
DownloadAnte Juricin | Disruptive Technology in Philanthropy
DownloadLee May | Benefit Corporations & The Social Economy
DownloadMatthew Salier | Impact Innovation
DownloadMatthew Winefield South Australia: An economy in transition
DownloadSocial Enterprise / Social Impact | Resources
See below for a range of resources about the ideas of social enterprise and social impact.
Scaling Up, Scaling Out and Scaling Deep
DownloadCorporate Responsibility Report
DownloadScaling Innovation for Impact
DownloadSocial Enterprise in Canada: Structural Options
DownloadPeriodic Table of Systems Change
DownloadHealth Trends
DownloadAllyson's Second Visit | September/October 2017
To read more about Allyson’s second visit you can download the report below. Key Events of Allyson’s second visit were:
- Her Open State Oration
- the Open State BCorp Information Session
- the IPAA Showcase
Allyson Hewitt Oration – Open State | 5 October 2017
DownloadBCorp Information Session – Open State | 28 September 2017
DownloadIPAA Showcase | 20 September 2017
DownloadAllyson Hewitt Interim Report