Homelessness Conference 2015

Valuing the Homelessness Sector: Humanity, Productivity and Building Futures
The Dunstan Foundation is again partnered with the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning (CHURP) to present the Addressing Homelessness Conference in 2015. This year the Conference title is Valuing the Homelessness Sector: Humanity, Productivity and Building Futures. It provides a strong focus on the role of the community sector in meeting the demand for homelessness services. The Director of CHURP, Professor Andrew Beer, has played a critical role in advising on the topic and conference content and the Dunstan Foundation is very grateful and appreciative for his active support and expertise.
2015 Conference Program
See the full program here
Our Partners
The conference organisers would like to thank the following organisations who generously provided sponsorship funds to support this conference:
Government of South Australia Housing SA
Wyatt Trust
Official sponsor of Morning Tea
Common Ground Adelaide
Vignettes – Probono Filming and Production
Jon Brooks – Grease Monkey Media
Official Conference Opening
The Hon Zoe Bettison MP
Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion
Address from Shadow Minister
Senator the Hon Jan McLucas
Federal Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness
DownloadNational Prosperity and Social Justice
Professor Julian Disney AO
Director, Social Justice Project, UNSW
National Co-Chair Anti-Poverty Week
2015 Homelessness Update
Professor Andrew Beer
Director, Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning, The University of Adelaide
Homeless South Australia: A 2015 Stocktake of Homelessness Issues in South Australia
Professor Andrew Beer
DownloadPhoenix rising: Renewing the Voluntary Sector in Australia
Professor Paul Smyth
Professor of Social and Political Science The University of Melbourne
DownloadDynamic Community Connections; strengthening the homelessness sector
Sylvia Admans
CEO The RE Ross Trust