Homelessness Week Student Challenge: Creative responses to homelessness

7 August 2020


With housing issues at the forefront of people’s minds and unemployment levels rising, this year may be the most important Homelessness Week yet. In the midst of this global pandemic, we are facilitating a series of dynamic online articles, events and videos to ensure this important week continues to be highlighted. There will be a special global focus with homelessness expert, Dr Nonie Brennan, joining us live from Canada. A progress update will also be given on The Adelaide Zero Project and its goal of reaching functional zero street homelessness in the inner city by the end of 2020.

Student Challenge: Creative responses to homelessness
Digital Conversation/ Online challenge

University of Adelaide and Flinders University students will delve into the complex issue of homelessness and what it might look like in 2030.

Find more information in the downloadables below.

Final entries due 9 am, 29 July to emilie.soda@adelaide.edu.au

Student Challenge Overview


Student Challenge Additional Information
