Launch of Don Dunstan Research Network

27 March 2024
5.30pm - 7.00pm
Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building, North Terrace, Adelaide, Kaurna Country
Join us for the launch of a new policy research network, honouring the legacy of the late Don Dunstan AC QC, that has been established to drive public debate and research on fairness and equality in our political, economic and social systems.
The Don Dunstan Research Network (DDRN) is a joint initiative by the Australian Fabians and the Don Dunstan Foundation and is based on a shared core belief that political and social stability and progress must be based on principles of fairness, equality, trust and respect.
The partnership has been established to coincide with the organisations’ respective 140th and 25th anniversaries in 2024, and in recognition of the thought-leadership and public policy legacy of Dunstan who exemplified the Fabian tradition as Premier of South Australia (1967-68 and 1970-79).
The Don Dunstan Research Network aims to promote progressive thinking and encourage public engagement through events, sharing research and publications, and other activities. This will start with a dynamic anniversary year campaign called Another World is Possible. The campaign will aim to generate a national conversation that acknowledges that as a society we need to develop an economic, social and political narrative of fairness and equality.
The DDRN launch event will feature keynote speakers Brian Donaghy and John Töns exploring the idea of a Universal Basic Income, as one way to address fairness and equality in our society.
The public lecture will also be livestreamed as a webinar. For those unable to attend in person in Adelaide, we encourage you to book a livestream ticket and organise a group of your colleagues or friends to watch together.
All attendees (in person or livestream) will be sent a Conversation Guide to use to continue conversations about the Another World is Possible campaign.
About the speakers:
Brian Donaghy is an investigative financial journalist who has written a book describing how Universal Basic Income could be successfully introduced in Australia.
John Töns is a Political Philosopher with a special interest in the Social Contract. His research has led him to the conclusion that a social contract is not achievable without a Universal Basic Income.