Migration Update Conference 2014

11 September 2014

Sustainable Migration into the Future

The 2014 Migration Update conference focused on Sustainable Migration for the Future: cost, benefit or somewhere in between?

Speakers included: Professor Graeme Hugo AO, Professor Stephen Castles, Professor Peter McDonald AM, Professor Ian Lowe AO Professor Loretta Baldassar and Professor Glenn Withers AO.



Conference Videos

A series of videos from the 2014 Conference

Part 1  :  Professor Graeme Hugo AO | Opening and Migration Update

Part 2  :  Professor Graeme Hugo AO | Q&A Session with Professor Hugo

Part 3  :  Professor Stephen Castles | Rethinking Australian Migration Key Note Addess

Part 4  :  Professor Peter McDonald AO | Migrant Skills and Employment in Australia

Part 5  :  Dr Ian Goodwin-Smith | What is Community: Services and Care needs for Migrants

Part 6  :  Dr Ian Goodwin-Smith | What is Community Q&A Session

Part 7  :  Professor Glenn Withers AO | Knowledge Investment: Education and Immigration

Part 8  :  Professor Glenn Withers AO | Knowledge and Investment Q&A Session

Part 9  :  Professor Graeme Hugo AO | Sustainable Migration: Weighing it Up

Part 10  :  Professor Graeme Hugo AO | Sustainable Migration Q&A Session

Migration Update | Professor Graeme Hugo AO

2014 Migration Update
An overview of migration trends and developments in SA, Australia and globally

Professor Graeme Hugo AO
ARC Australian Professorial Fellow & Professor of Geography
Director, National Centre for Social Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GISCA)
The University of Adelaide


Keynote Address | Professor Stephen Castles

Rethinking Australian Migration

Professor Stephen Castles
Research Professor of Sociology, The University of Sydney
Associate Director, International Migration Institute, University of Oxford


Keynote Address | Professor Glenn Withers AO

Knowledge Investment: Education and Immigration

Professor Glenn Withers AO
Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University


Panel Plenary Session | Migrant skills and employment in the Australian Labour force

Professor Peter McDonald AO
Crawford School, Australian National University


Panel Plenary Session | Migrant skills and employment in the Australian Labour force

Henry Sherrell
Australian Migration Council


Panel Plenary Session | What is community: services and care needs for migrants

Professor Loretta Baldassar
Professor and Discipline Chair of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Western Australia
