2023 IPAA Don Dunstan Oration: Inspiration for environmental justice – then and now

6 December 2023


Hilton Hotel Ballroom, 233 Victoria Square, Adelaide, Kaurna Country

Don Dunstan’s social, cultural and law reform legacy is well recognised. Still, less is celebrated in relation to his forward-thinking environmental initiatives and actions, which have continued to inspire responses to the issues we are tackling today. Dunstan wanted South Australia to be a laboratory for reform and an example to other states, and that inspiration has resonated in the decades since as our State continues to lead the way in biodiversity protection, renewable energy, and carbon reduction.

At the 2023 IPAA SA Don Dunstan Oration, former Premier and Chair of The Climate Group (UK), Hon Mike Rann AC CNZM, delved into Dunstan’s legacy, drawing from his personal experiences and describing how Dunstan’s principled leadership influenced him as Premier. Mike Rann continues to lead global discussions and actions on climate change. In his Oration, Mike also addressed crucial justice issues in the international climate debate, discussing the initiatives mobilising communities, governments, and businesses to confront today’s climate challenges.


2023 IPAA Don Dunstan Oration - Transcript
